The Importance of Keeping Your Gums Healthy

The Importance of Keeping Your Gums Healthy

Your oral health not only involves your teeth; it incorporates your gums, as well. Here at the Center for Cosmetic and Sedation Dentistry in Lawrenceville, Burford, and Dacula, GA, your six dentists emphasize diligent gum care. Brushing, flossing, and eating a healthy diet quell dangerous oral bacteria and their associated inflammation. Here are some important details:

The dangers of gum disease

Harvard Women's Health Watch notes that periodontal, or gum, disease is the biggest cause of tooth loss among adults in the United States. Puffy, red, receding gums are cardinal signs of periodontitis, but unfortunately, the inflammatory process stemming from oral bacteria starts sooner and more stealthily. Many people who come to our offices notice no symptoms, but their dentists detect them on oral examination.

Aside from causing discomfort, changes in dental bite, bad breath, and loose teeth, gum disease undermines jaw bone integrity. This degradation is the ultimate cause of tooth loss.

Additionally, the inflammation spreads through the body via the bloodstream, precipitating health problems such as:

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Dementia
  • Pregnancy complications
  • Osteoporosis
  • Hypertension
  • Type-2 diabetes

As such, you and your dentist must prioritize gum care at home and at the office.

Keeping your gums healthy at home

  1. Brush your teeth and gums with a soft brush twice a day to remove sticky food residues.
  2. Floss every day with the product of your choice.
  3. Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
  4. Stop smoking.
  5. Drink plenty of water throughout the day as it increases saliva and its anti-microbial properties.
  6. Attend six-month cleaning and exam appointments with your dentist.

In-office care for gums

Your hygienic cleaning removes plaque and tartar. Your hygienist also measures your gum pockets with a small metal probe. A measurement of three millimeters or less is considered normal. If your pockets are deeper and you have other signs of gum problems, you need a deep cleaning.

Also called root planing and scaling, this restorative service removes dangerous biofilms from between your teeth and gums. Your dentist may add antibiotic medication at the gum line to stop infection.

For more advanced disease involving exposed roots and substantial gum recession, you may need gum grafting. Fortunately, Dr. Nooredin Nurani is our on-staff expert on the Chao Pinhole Surgery for advanced gum disease.

This innovative technique moves a portion of the patient's own gum tissue over to the area of recession, effectively covering it. The surgery is fast, comfortable and sutureless, too. Best of all, it allows for normal gum coverage of tooth roots.

Your gums and your smile

They depend on each other. So, for the best help in keeping them healthy, contact the Center for Cosmetic and Sedation Dentistry. We have three convenient offices in Lawrenceville, Burford, and Dacula, GA. For Lawrenceville, call (770) 995-1957, for the Burford location, phone (770) 932-8577, and in Dacula, call (770) 277-0800.


Lawrenceville Location